Client: Self Study, Chino Neighborhood House
Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe XD
The Chino Neighborhood House is a non-profit that has worked to ensure that families and seniors in the community have food on their table enabling students to be more successful at school and allowing seniors to live a healthy lifestyle. The following design work is a rebranding to modernize their look while conveying the appropriate message through design. The rebranding started with creating a logo and developing brand identity assets such as typography, color, and imagery. Additional applications were visualized, such as stationery, web design, merchandise, and an identity guidelines book.
Logo Design
The CNH logo design illustrates the corner side of a food box with fruits inside. The top side of the box is also the roof of a house with a chimney. The wordmark starts at the side of the box using the Co Text Bold typeface. This typeface has round edges which conveys a soft and friendly mood. Similar to the typeface, the graphic also has round edges and conveys the same friendly and welcoming message. The box of fruits is to display what the organization does, they provide food, to create a healthy lifestyle. The three fruits together give and abundant and grouped feeling. The roof completes the box image, but the roof also conveys the community value of the organization and alludes back to the Chino Neighborhood House name.
Stationary System
Website Homepage
The CNH website allows anyone to learn more about the organization. The homepage includes sections including the header with links to learn about us, to get involved, to donate, to applying for support, and a contact page. Other sections include mission statement, a thank you to the community, links to get involved, and the footer.
Trifold Brochure
Reusable Water Bottle
Reusable Water Bottle
Reusable Grocery Bags
Reusable Grocery Bags
Identity Guidelines Book
View the full PDF version of the CNH Identity Guidelines here.

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